četrtek, 11. november 2010

A piece of mind on Peace of heart

I discovered how to enjoy my work more, even if it’s far from my dream job. And this works, for several months already!
First, I realised that since it’s not something I want to do for the rest of my life, I might as well give it some credit. I am living from this job and in certain view am contributing to the society…. But why should I keep loosing my energy on disappointment because I wasn’t promoted or because I think I could be doing something more useful?
I changed this energy into an effort of doing my job well. So what if I feel that my potential is not fully used there, I can still use some of it to be proud at the end of the day for the job well done. And I really stopped caring about all the negative things at work and most of all, I stopped finding the excuses.
And even if your job is not the most important thing in your life, it deserves a piece of your heart because there is so much joy in doing something you love.
I have to say, it took a while and some practice, but it was worth. I’m happy where I sit now and I know that people sitting around me are happy with me too.

torek, 2. november 2010


So this is it. I'm beginning a Blog!!! I always have something to say and yet I needed a bit of encouragement to start wit it. It was a part of a deal with my dear friend and I wouldn't even think of not respecting that!
I am learning from Life, so I intend to fill this page with some good advice. Some things in life seem so complicated only because we're too distracted to see their simplicity. No matter how highly intelligent we are. And a good advise is always a gift. You can either take it or make just another excuse....