torek, 29. julij 2014

Pita iz nektarin #presno #vegansko #zaprstepolizat

Merske enote:
g = gram
ml = mililiter
čž =  čajna žlica
jž = jušna žlica


Sadje:   5 čvrstih nektarin

Omaka:  350 g izkoščičenih datljev; 250 ml vode; ½ čž (po želji več) cimeta

Testo:  210 g mandljev; 135 g kokosove moke (nastrgan kokos); 3 jž omake zgoraj


Pito sestavljamo narobe obrnjeno. Model za pito ali torto najprej navlažimo in obložimo s plastično folijo.

Nektarine narežemo na majhne koščke in jih potlačimo v model.
Kar v hladilnik z njimi.

Izkoščičimo datlje. Jaz jih raje sama, saj sem tako lahko 100% gotova, da v pito ne zaide noben košček koščice.
Omaka, ki jo delamo, je zaprstepolizat, zato raje dodamo kak datelj ali dva, če želimo polizat prste več kot enkrat. V mešalniku (blenderju) zmiksamo datlje, vodo in cimet. Včasih so datlji bolj suhi in je potrebno dodati vodo. Prihranimo 3 do 4 žlice omake za testo, ostalo pa razmažemo po nektarinah.
V mešalniku (multipraktik) najprej zmeljemo mandlje, nato dodamo kokos in omako. Dobro premešamo. Z rokami oblikujemo polpetke, ki jih položimo na vrh modela.
Pazimo, da ne potlačimo premočno, da omaka ne spolzi ven. Nato po vrhu potresemo še malo kokosa in vse skupaj postavimo v zamrzovalnik za kako uro.
Pazimo, da ne zmrzne. Potem je pito potrebno samo še obrniti in pojesti.
Lahko pa počaka v hladilniku več ur, tudi čez noč. Ponavadi odstranim folijo tik preden pito razrežem, ker tako sadje ostane dlje sveže in ne oksidira.


Zasluge/inspiracija: Presne Tortice na Facebooku
Uživaj in sporoči, kako je šlo v slast :)

Nectarine pie #raw #vegan #fingerlicking

Measuring units:
g = gram
ml = millilitre
tea spoon is a tea spoon

Fruit:  5 firm nectarines

Sauce:  350 g of pitted dates; 250 ml water; ½ tea spoon (or more if you like) cinnamon

Dough:  210 g almonds; 135 g shredded coconut; 3 large spoons of the Sauce above
Procedure:The pie is made upside-down. Take your pie or cake model, put some drops of water in and wrap it in the thin plastic foil.

Pit the nectarines and cut them into small pieces. Put them in the model, press down firmly and put everything in the fridge.

Then pit the dates. I prefer pitting them myself, so I can be 100% sure that there are no pits. The sauce you're making is fingerlicking good, so in case you might want to lick your fingers more than just once, add a couple of dates to your measured quantity. Blend the dates with water and cinnamon. Sometimes the dates are quite dry and you need to add more water. Save 3 to 4 spoons of the sauce for the dough and spread everything else on the top of nectarines.

Grind the almonds in a food processor, add the coconut and the sauce and mix it all together. Put the dough on the top in your model. It goes easy when you make small “pancakes” with your hands and put them one next to the other.
Careful with pressing the dough down, you don’t want the sauce to burst out. Sprinkle a bit of coconut on the top and put the model in the freezer, for about one hour.
Make sure it doesn’t freeze. Then turn it around on a plate and put it in the fridge.
Actually, the pie is good to eat as soon as it is taken out the freezer, but it can wait in the fridge for several hours, even overnight. I usually keep the plastic foil on it until I start eating it, in order to prevent the fresh cut fruit from oxidation.

Credits/Inspiration: The pie was largely inspired by Presne Tortice on Facebook:!/photo.php?fbid=452036751556407&set=pb.388218094604940.-2207520000.1404203495.&type=3&theater


Enjoy and let me know how it went!


sreda, 9. julij 2014

#zaprstepolizat je za prste polizat

Dragi bralci,

Mnogi, ki me poznate, veste o moji obsesiji s hrano. Razvajanje brbončic ko polnite želodec je zelo pomembno. Skozi leta in leta prebavnih težav, sem se začela izogibati laktozi, glutenu in sladkorju, zaradi nuje in ne zaradi mode. Internet je preplavljen z veganskimi in brezglutenskimi recepti. S tem blogom dodajam svojo kapljico v morje. Zakaj bo tako poseben? V mojih receptih bom združevala naslednje:

Dvojezičnost: Zadnje čase večinoma komuniciram v angleščini, slovenščina pa je moj materni jezik. Kdo ve, morda bo tudi moja mami spremljala ta blog ;)

Vsejedec. Čeprav je večina mojih receptov vegetarijanskih ali celo veganskih, sem vsejedka. Večina moje hrane prihaja iz naravnejših virov, brez industrijskega in farmacevtskega filanja, kot so insekticidi in antibijotiki.

Brez sladkorja ali umetnih sladil. Včasih uporabim naravna sladila (moj najljubši je kokosov sladkor).

Brez laktoze. Poslužujem se ali brezlaktoznih kravjih izdelkov, še raje pa kozjih ali ovčjih. Če je le mogoče, uporabljam rastlinska mleka, smetane in jogurte.

Brez glutena. Na tržišču je vedno več brezglutenskih izdelkov. Na žalost se moramo prepogosto odločati med predragimi in neokusnimi.

Presno. Vedno bolj obožujem presno hrano. Večina je veganska.

Preveri preden deliš. Vsi moji recepti so večkrat preizkušeni preden jih objavim. Večinoma so testirani na mojih prijateljih in sodelavcih. Stalno povpraševanje po receptih je eden od razlogov za ta blog.

Zasluge. Kadarkoli dobim recept na internetu in ga le malo spremenim, preden ga objavim kot svojega, bom to tudi omenila. Menim, da moramo spoštovati in priznavati delo in trud drugih. V istem duhu,želim, da bodo tudi drugi objavljali link na moj blog.


Dear readers,

Many of you who know me personally are aware of my obsession with food. Spoiling your taste buds while filling up your stomach with healthy food is very important. Through the years of digestion troubles, I started to avoid lactose, then gluten and also sugar for the necessity rather than fashion. The internet is flooded with vegan or gluten-free recipes. I am converting this blog into another one. What is so special about it? I will combine the following in my recipes:

Bilingual. I mostly communicate in English, but Slovenian is my mother tongue. Who knows, perhaps my mom decides to follow it as well ;)

Omnivore. Although the most of my recipes are vegetarian or vegan, I am omnivore. I mostly choose my food that is non-industrialized and is not sprayed and fed with Pharma, such as insecticides and antibiotics.

No sugar or artificial sweeteners. Well, sometimes I am using natural substitutes for sugar (my favourite is the coconut sugar).

No lactose. I am using the products that are either cow’s and lactose-free, or rather sheep or goat. I tend to use the vegetal dairy products when possible.

No gluten. There are more and more gluten-free products on the market. Unfortunately, the majority is either expensive or tastes bad. I am trying to find cheaper and tasteful ones.

Raw. I like raw food more and more. Most of it is vegan.

Check it before share it. All my recipes are made several times before they make it online. They are tested on my friends and colleagues. The constant demands to share my recipes with them is also one of the reasons to pursuit this blog.

Credits. Whenever I take a recipe from internet and just slightly change it, I will mention it in credits. I believe people should be acknowledged for what they do. In the same spirit, I will expect others to do the same with my recipes.